Our Work


The Advocacy branch seeks to improve environmental legislation for the protection of nature and influence public policies through engagement with government authorities and other stakeholders. The goal is to promote legislative and regulatory changes that benefit the environment in Brazil, ensuring that the needs of nature are considered in the decision-making process.

Photo: Edu Fragoso

Actions already taken by Onçafari in this area:

  1. Sanctioning of the first state law for the Pantanal Biome in Mato Grosso do Sul.
  2. Creation of the Wildlife Refuge in Pará, which protects 200 km of the São Benedito River.
  3. Initiatives with the Ministperio do Meio Ambiente (Ministry of the Environment) and INEMA due to the drowning of maned wolves in soybean irrigation ditches in the Cerrado.
  4. “Sou Amigo da Fauna”: a campaign to educate and combat wildlife trafficking in airports and highways (partners: Socicam and Azul Linhas Aéreas).
  5. Project for the Management Plan of the Pata da Onça Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) in the Pantanal with FUNBIO.
  6. Conservation jaguars with the Peruaçu Mosaico Project with the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais and the Semente Platform.

Photo: Chiara Bortoloto

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