Our Work

To conserve Brazilian biodiversity through the protection of natural areas and the
socioeconomic development of local populations.

Mission, Vision and Values

To conserve Brazilian biodiversity through the protection of natural areas and the socioeconomic development of local populations.

To be a global reference in wildlife conservation in Brazil.

Passion, Excellence, Pioneering Spirit, Persistence, Collaboration, Respect and Sustainability.

We act upon the following 8 different fronts: Ecotourism, Science, Rewild, Social, Education, Forests, Wildfire and Advocacy.

Each work stream pervades through distinct fields of knowledge, always with one major common goal: to preserve biodiversity and economically develop the regions where we are located.

Learn more about our work streams and practice .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Onçafari?

Onçafari Association is an NGO created to promote environment conservation and to contribute to socioeconomic development through ecotourism, environment education, working together with local communities and scientific studies, focusing on jaguars, pumas and maned wolves. Our work is divided in 6 branches: Ecotourism, Science, Education, Reintroduction, Social and Forests.

What is Onçafari Ecotourism?

It’s the branch of Onçafari that works with fauna observation tourism. Through habituating jaguars and maned wolves to the presence of vehicles, we managed to develop ecotourism respecting the well-being of species and making it possible to encounter the animals in their natural behavior. “Habituating animals” doesn’t mean domesticating, but keeping them wild and free although not threatened by the presence of vehicles.

What is Onçafari Science?

It’s the branch of Onçafari whose goal is the long term behavior monitoring of free roaming jaguars, pumas and maned wolves, and thus gathering biological, ecological and epidemiological information, many of those scientific novelties, and transform the data collected into technical-scientific data.

What is Onçafari Education?

It’s the branch of Onçafari whose goal is to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation through lectures, field activities, events, participation in tv shows, documentary production, book publishing and constant presence in social media. We seek to share knowledge and bring people together in the protection of jaguars, wolves and the environment.

What is Onçafari Rewild?

It’s the branch of Onçafari that works in the rehabilitation of medium to large mammals for later reintroduction into nature. These rehabilitation and reintroduction processes are important tools for recovering endangered populations.

What is Onçafari Social?

It’s the branch of Onçafari whose goal is to promote the development of local communities wherever our bases are located through empowering and engaging those people in the context of environment conservation.  We hold awareness-raising activities and lectures about the importance of nature, in addition to training that encourages professional work in ecotourism.

What is Onçafari Forests?

Onçafari Forests is the branch of Onçafari which seeks biologically important or threatened areas and strategies for environment conservation. When acquiring a forest area, we are able to combine it with the surrounding forests, creating ecological corridors which are essential for connecting forest fragments.

This helps the environment by allowing free movement of animals and seed dispersion between these previously isolated areas.

Where is it?

Nowadays we have 9 bases established in 4 Brazilian biomes (Pantanal, Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest). In each of these biomes, we work through different branches, with specific approaches adapted to each reality.

How much does it cost?

For information on prices you must send an e-mail to [email protected], telling us which base you would like to visit. We will readily answer!

I want more information

For more information about Onçafari, you can access our website www.oncafari.org/en/ and follow our day-to-day on social media (@oncafari). Or you can contact us by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. We’ll be happy to assist you.

Is it possible to do a safari tour and see jaguars?

Yes!  Our bases in Pantanal offer the higher chance to see a jaguar: Caiman (@caimanpantanal) and Refúgio da Ilha (@refugiodailha_ecolodge).

Please note that jaguars are free roaming wild animals (not domesticated), therefore there is no guarantee to see them.

Which species will I see?

Depends on the biome you are at. Generally, the species that can be found at Onçafari varies depending on climate, season and the behavior and habits of the animals.

In Cerrado, you can find maned wolves, pampas deer, greater rheas, armadillos and blue-and-yellow macaws.

In Pantanal, you can find jaguars, marsh deer, hyacinth macaws, giant anteaters and capybaras.

In Atlantic Forest, you can find southern tamandua, sloths and a variety of birds.

Do I need to pay in advance or whenever I’m at the base?

Payment conditions are presented whenever you close the package with the base of your interest and decide to do the safari tour with our team.

What is the best season to see jaguars?

Jaguars can be seen any season of the year. Notice that jaguars are free roaming wild animals (not domesticated), therefore we can’t guarantee you will see one.

Where can I find Onçafari’s bases?

To book a tour with Onçafari, you need to be a guest at the inns where our bases are located. We are present in 4 of 6 Brazilian biomes:

We operate in Caiman, an inn in Pantanal located in Mato Grosso do Sul, near a city called Miranda. For booking and price estimates, visit the website www.caiman.com.br

We operate in Pousada Trijunção, in the border between the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais and Goiás. For booking and price estimates, visit the website www.pousadatrijuncao.com.br

Atlantic Forest
We operate in Legado das Águas, a reserve in the city of Miracatu, in São Paulo. For booking and price estimates, visit the website www.legadodasaguas.com.br

We operate in Pousada Thaimaçu, in the city of Jacareacanga, in Pará. For booking and price estimates, visit the website www.thaimacu.com.br

On which bases can I go on a safari?

Presently, the tour with Onçafari’s team takes place on our bases in Pousada Caiman (Pantanal) and in Pousada Trijunção (Cerrado). In the other bases, Onçafari gives support for finding animals, but the tours are organized by guides and through the structure offered by the inns.

I wish to work/intern at Onçafari

We are glad that you are interested in joining our team. Our job openings are posted in our social media, especially LinkedIn.

I want to purchase Onçafari’s products

In order to buy our products, visit www.oncafari.me

With your purchase, 100% of the revenue goes to funding projects of the Onçafari Association.

How to contribute with Onçafari?

To contribute with Onçafari, go to https://oncafari.org/en/donate-now/ and be a part of our environment conservation effort.

How do I become a partner of Onçafari?

We are partners with companies with diverse business backgrounds. To become a partner and contribute to biodiversity conservation, go to https://oncafari.org/en/become-a-partner/

photo: Edu Fragoso

Become a supporting company or partner of Onçafari and help preserve Brazil’s biodiversity