About Us


We are committed to results and to the transparency of all our operations, so we make a yearly report with the most significant data about our activities throughout the year.

These reports are objective and straightforward, providing relevant data for tracking the results of our work fronts and underscoring our commitment to information disclosure.

Onçafari Annual Report 2023

Access here to download the Onçafari Annual Report 2023.

in PDF

Onçafari Annual Report 2022

Access here to download the Onçafari Annual Report 2022.

in PDF

Onçafari Annual Report 2021

Access here to download the Onçafari Annual Report 2021.

in PDF

Onçafari Annual Report 2020

Access here to download the Onçafari Annual Report 2020.

in PDF

Onçafari Annual Report 2019

Access here to download the Onçafari Annual Report 2019.

in PDF

Onçafari Annual Report 2018

Access here to download the Onçafari Annual Report 2018.

in PDF

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