Our Work

Fire Prevention

The fire prevention front aims to combat, monitor, and prevent wildfires to ensure the conservation of fauna and flora. This work involves forming community and private brigades, conducting prescribed burns and creating firebreaks, as well as providing equipment, tools, and personal protective gear (PPE). Activities are guided by operational and integrated fire management plans to ensure planned execution in accordance with current norms and laws.

Main works developed by Onçafari fire prevention:


Monitoring actions to combat fires through satellite information and on-site observations.


Organizing and implementing activities to prevent uncontrolled wildfires.

Integrated Fire Management

Collaborating with a network of partners, public agencies, and landowners to mitigate fire incidence.

Photo: Edu Fragoso

Some numbers and other information:

  • 25 firefighters trained to operate in the Pantanal and Legal Amazon regions;
  • 98 pieces of equipment acquired and distributed  to strengthen the brigades.
  • Fire reduction on Onçafari reserves;
  • Development and implementation of the second Integrated Fire Management Plan on private land (Reserva Santa Sofia) in Brazil;
  • Support for the formation and structuring of the indigenous brigade in the Perigara Indigenous Territory.


Forest brigades, operating in natural environments outside urban areas, play an essential role in promptly responding to wildfires.

Onçafari is dedicated to supporting and training brigades in ecological corridors, especially after the major fires that occurred in Pantanal and southern Amazon in recent years.

Photo: Bruno Carvalho

Integrated Fire Management

Integrated Fire Management has been adopted in Brazil since 2014, primarily by federal and state public agencies. This paradigm encompasses ecological, social, economic, and cultural aspects to strengthen biodiversity conservation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and act in line with sustainable practices. Onçafari focuses on supporting and training brigades in ecological corridors, particularly after the significant fires in the Pantanal and southern Amazon.

Photo: Edu Fragoso